Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
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Covenant Protestant Reformed Church



Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 4 April, 2010


"But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee

more and more" (Ps. 71:14)


Morning Service - 11:00 AM

(1) The Parables of Christ’s Last Week

The Labourers in the Vineyard    [download]   [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Matthew 19:16 - 20:16

Text: Matthew 20:1-16

I. The Various Interpretations

II. The Lord’s Meaning

Psalms: 108:1-8; 58:6-11; 85:1-8; 136:1-12


Evening Service - 6:00 PM

Good Works: Why?      [download]    [youtube]

Scripture Reading: I Peter 2:1-25

Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 32

I. Because of What We Are

II. Because of What They Do

Psalms: 47:1-9; 59:1-5; 34:11-18; 116:9-19


Contact Stephen Murray for CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services.

CPRC website:

CPRC YouTube Site:

CPRC Facebook:


Quotes to Consider:

Prof. Hanko on Matthew 20:1-16: "Jesus does not mean by this that we do not have to work. Nor is this a denial of the fact that the reward which the people of God receive is in direct proportion to their work of faith. There are, indeed, various degrees of glory in heaven. The apostles alone will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Some will have more glory in heaven than others, although all will be full of glory according to their own capacity. This very truth is even an incentive to press on to more faithful labor in the vineyard of God. We see ahead of us the reward that shines brightly beyond the horizon of history. And caught up in the glory of this reward, we press on with renewed earnestness to complete our tasks" (Mysteries of the Kingdom, p. 312).

Augustine: "This only I say, this I ask, this I desire: despise not the works of Thy hands; see in me Thy work, not mine. For if Thou seest mine, Thou wilt condemn it. If Thou seest Thine own, Thou wilt crown it. For whatever good works are mine are from Thee."

Announcements (subject to God’s will):

There are two offerings this morning: the first for our general fund and the second for our building fund.


Monday, 7 PM - Zoe, Amy & Lea Campbell at the manse

Tuesday, 7 PM - Jacob & Nathan at the Buchanans

Tuesday, 8 PM - Mark & Lauren at the Hamills

Wednesday, 1 PM - Beginners OT Class at the manse

Midweek Bible study meets this Wednesday at 7:45 PM at the manse. We will be studying I Peter 5:1-4 on the calling and reward of elders.

Don’t forget this Friday’s lecture on "Preaching: The Voice of Christ." The lecture will begin at 7:30 PM here in the Protestant Hall. Come and bring a friend!

The Reformed Witness Hour next Lord’s Day (8:30-9:00 AM, on Gospel 846MW) is entitled "The Suffering Servant (3) - Our Substitute" (Is. 53:4-6).

Upcoming Meeting: Porthcawl, S. Wales, Thursday, 13 May, 7:15 PM on "Preaching: The Voice of Christ."

Website Additions: 2 German, 1 Russian and 2 Italian translations were added.

Offerings: General Fund: £618.05. Donations: £65 (DVDs), £32 (Building Fund).

PRC News: Trinity called Rev. Haak (Georgetown, MI). Hull called Rev. Kuiper (Randolph, WI). Bethel PRC will call from a trio of Rev. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI), Rev. Lee (Edgerton, MN), and Rev. Marcus (Edmonton, Canada).

Dear brothers and sisters of the CPRC,

Greetings from the Bay of Bengal! I have been in India for almost four weeks now, so I thought it high time to send back a little update and let you all know what is going on this side of the world.

Anyway, in truth, India has been an assault on the senses, though it seems to be one I am enjoying and finding profitable. Chennai is a city of bustling chaos—the traffic is endless, as are the streams of people and the clouds of dust. There are over 6 million people in the city (you can only imagine how different it is to the likes of Belfast). Cows run up and down the roads, often foraging in piles of rubbish, people sleep and cook on the street corners, small stalls sit beside plush air-conditioned shops, and all around there are shrines to this god and that.

Despite all this, I managed to find a cheap guest house that serves as my home—it’s ironically named "Paradise" (I dare say it is as far a cry from how the Garden of Eden was as you’ll get). Though it is simple, it serves my needs and budget well. The fan in the room is a must, though my "facilities" (which are basically a glorified hole in the ground) took a little getting used to. It is situated in the Islamic quarter of Chennai (I regularly hear the call to prayer from the imam) though there are still a significant number of Hindu temples and shrines surrounding. I am often reminded of the apostle Paul’s visit to Athens where he commented on the superstitions of the Greeks in Acts 17. In this, I am truly thankful that God reveals Himself simply and clearly to us, His people. Trips like this make me very thankful to God for the blessing of providing a true church that I can attend back home. I pray that I do not take such blessings for granted!

Anganeta is here also. She has managed to get a room in the same building as me. This is great, especially on the Lord’s Day, as we are able to listen to sermons together, assured that where two or three are gathered together in His name, there He is in the midst (Matt. 18:20). In truth, we each miss the CPRC very much. I look forward to the Sunday of my return, and I know Anga looks forward to her move to Northern Ireland also.

The weather is gradually getting warmer, soon to break the 40°C mark (we had 39°C on a day last week … in the shade)—it seems my work will have me out in the sun during the hottest period of the year—sun cream, sun hat and hydrating fluids seem to be the order of the day. The work part seems to be going well—I am pretty much on schedule, having found and hired a translator last week. Now the hard bit begins, though it’s a challenge I am looking forward to. If all goes according to plan, nine weeks of field work and it should all be done—I’ll even have a little time for relaxing in between! In general, life here has taken a little getting used to—the spicy food, the crammed buses and the auto-rickshaw drivers. On the whole, a good, character-building experience.

I hope this letter finds you all well and in good spirits.

Love and prayers,

David Crossett