Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
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Covenant Protestant Reformed Church



Rev. Angus Stewart

Lord’s Day, 27 November, 2011


"Those that be planted in the house of the Lord

shall flourish in the courts of our God" (Ps. 92:13)


Morning Service - 11:00 AM

God’s Glorious Perfections (5)

The Unchangeability of God  [download]  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Psalm 102

Text: Psalm 102:27

I. The Proof

II. The Meaning

III. The Application

Psalms: 18:1-7; 115:1-9; 90:1-7; 102:23-28


Evening Service - 6:00 PM

The Holiness of the Church  [download]  [youtube]

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5

Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 21

I. What It Is Not

II. What It Is

III. How It Is Wrought

Psalms: 98:1-8; 115:10-18; 22:27-31; 67:1-7


For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray

If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart


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Quote to Consider:

Stephen Charnock: "There is not one perfection but may be said to be and truly is, immutable; none of them will appear so glorious without this beam, this sun of immutability, which renders them highly excellent without the least shadow of imperfection. How cloudy would his blessedness be if it were changeable! How dim his wisdom, if it might be obscured! How feeble his power, if it were capable to be sickly and languish! How would mercy lose much of its lustre, if it could change into wrath; and justice much of its dread, if it could be turned into mercy, while the object of justice remains unfit for mercy, and one that hath need of mercy continues only fit for the Divine fury! But unchangeableness is a thread that runs through the whole web; it is the enamel of all the rest; none of them without it could look with a triumphant aspect ..." (The Existence and Attributes of God, I:318).

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

Back table: The November Covenant Reformed News, December devotional booklets, and a new CPRC address and phone list are available. The new RFPA book, Covenant and Election, by Prof. Engelsma is available for RFPA book club members for £13.

Sunday Catechism: 10 AM - O.T. Juniors

Monday Catechism: 6 PM - O.T. Beginners (Alex & Nathan) 6:45 PM - O.T. Juniors (Jacob & Joseph) 7:30 PM - Heidelberg (Timothy, Zoe, Amy & Lea)

Our Tuesday morning Bible study meets at 11 AM. We will study Revelation 13:11-18 on the image and mark of the beast.

Belgic Confession Class meets Wednesday at 7:45 PM. Continuing Article 12, we will consider "How Do Angels Benefit Us Today?"

Rev. & Mary Stewart travel to S. Wales this Thursday. Rev. Stewart will be giving a lecture on "Christ Alone!" Please remember this witness in your prayers.

Ladies’ Discussion meeting is this Friday at 10am to discuss Chapter 5 on "Priorities." Talk to Susan for more information.

The Council meets this Friday, 2 December, at 7 PM.

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846MW at 8:30 AM) will be "Then Shall a Lame Man Leap" (Isaiah 35).

The next Men’s Bible Study is Saturday, 10 December, at 8 PM at the Kennedys, studying Daniel 9.

Ballymena Lecture: Friday, 30 December, 7:30 PM on "Scripture Alone!"

Offerings: General Fund: £514.06. Donations: £200 (DVDs).