Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
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Video (Videos)

(by Rev. Angus Stewart, translated into Italian and delivered in Avellino, Italy)

Credi (Creeds)

Formule Liturgiche, etc. (Forms, etc.)

Fede Riformata (Reformed Faith)

Dottrina (Doctrine)

Sermoni sul Catechismo di Heidelberg (Sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism)

Scrittura (Scripture)

Dio (God)

  • Dio è Dio
    Herman Hoeksema ("God Is God," a chapter from Knowing God and Man)
  • Dio è il Creatore
    Herman Hoeksema ("God Is Creator," a chapter from Knowing God and Man)
  • La Spiritualita' di Dio (1) 
    Angus Stewart  ("The Spirituality of God (1)" Covenant Reformed News, vol. 14, issue 4)
  • La Spiritualita' di Dio (2) 
    Angus Stewart  ("The Spirituality of God (2)" Covenant Reformed News, vol. 14, issue 5)
  • La Spiritualita' di Dio (3) 
    Angus Stewart  ("The Spirituality of God (3)" Covenant Reformed News, vol. 14, issue 6)
  • L’Iddio Immutabile 
    Angus Stewart  ("The Unchangeable God")
  • Dio è Amore! 
    Angus Stewart  ("God is Love")
  • Conoscere Dio
    Ron Hanko ("Knowing God," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • La Trinità
    Ron Hanko ("The Trinity," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • L’importanza della Trinità
    Ron Hanko ("The Importance of the Trinity," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • La Trinità e la Famiglia
    Ron Hanko ("The Trinity and the Family," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • Il Patto
    Ron Hanko ("The Covenant," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • Il Patto Eterno
    Ron Hanko ("The Everlasting Covenant," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • Un Unico Patto
    Ron Hanko ("One Covenant," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • Il Patto di Grazia
    Ron Hanko ("The Covenant of Grace," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • La Promessa del Patto
    Ron Hanko ("The Covenant Promise," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)

Creazione (Creation)

Gesù Cristo (Jesus Christ)

Sovranità di Dio (Sovereignty of God)

Calvinismo (Calvinism)

La Meraviglia della Grazia (The Wonder of Grace) by Herman Hoeksema

Totale Depravazione (Total Depravity)

Fede (Faith)

  • Il Dono della Fede
    Angus Stewart ("The Gift of Faith")
  • L’Essenza della Fede
    Ron Hanko ("The Essence of Faith," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • Fede e Conoscenza
    Ron Hanko ("Faith and Knowledge," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • Fede e Fiducia
    Ron Hanko ("Faith and Trust," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)

Giustificazione (Justification)

Certezza (Assurance)

La Perseveranza dei Santi (Perseverance of the Saints)

John Wesley

Desiderio Salvifico Effettivo di Dio (God's Effectual Saving Desire)

Grazia Incomune (Uncommon Grace)

Sermoni su Romani 9-11 (Sermons on Romans 9-11 by Herman Hoeksema)

Patto (Covenant) in Doctrine According to Godliness by Ron Hanko

Patto (Covenant)

Patto con Adamo (Covenant with Adam)

Il Patto di Dio ed i Figli dei Credenti (The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers by David Engelsma)

Patto e Battesimo (Covenant and Baptism)

Noi e i Nostri Figli (We and Our Children by Herman Hanko)

Chiesa (Church)

Elezione della Chiesa (Election of the Church)

Attributi della Chiesa (Attributes of the Church)

Predicare e Testimoniare (Preaching and Witnessing)

Disciplina (Church Discipline)

Sacramenti (Sacraments)

  • I Sacramenti
    Ron Hanko ("The Sacraments," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)
  • Due Sacramenti
    Ron Hanko ("Two Sacraments," an excerpt from Doctrine According to Godliness)

Cena del Signore (Lord's Supper)

Uffici nella Chiesa (Offices in the Church)

Donne nell'Ufficio Ecclesiastico (Women in Church Office)

Celibato e Matrimonio Cristiano (Christian Singleness and Marriage)

Matrimonio, Divorzio e Risposalizio (Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage)

Pentecostalismo e Carismaticismo (Pentecostalism and Charismaticism)

Cattolicesimo Romano (Roman Catholicism)

Regno di Dio ("The Kingdom of God" by David Engelsma)

Escatologia (Eschatology)

Uno Studio in Escatologia (A Study in Eschatology by Jason Kortering)

Segni della Fine ("Signs of the End" by David Engelsma)

Dispensazionalismo ("Dispensationalism" by Robert Harbach)

Salmi (Psalms)

Antico Testamento (Old Testment)

Nuovo Testamento

Etica (Ethics)

Altro (Others)