Covenant Protestant Reformed Church
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Covenant Protestant Reformed Church

83 Clarence Street, Ballymena BT43 5DR
Rev. Angus Stewart
Lord’s Day, 6 September, 2015

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind ...” (Rom. 12:2)

Morning Service - 11:00 AM

The Life Everlasting  [download]  [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Revelation 21
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 22

I. In the Future
II. In the Present
Psalms: 23:1-6; 109:21-26; 73:23-28; 17:10-15

Evening Service - 6:00 PM

The Profit of the Gospel   [download]  [youtube]
Scripture Reading: Romans 10
Text: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 23

I. What It Is
II. Why It Is So Precious
III. How It Is Received
Psalms: 124:1-8; 109:27-31; 40:6-10; 51:4-10

For CDs of the sermons and DVDs of the worship services, contact Stephen Murray
If you desire a pastoral visit, please contact Rev. Stewart or the elders

CPRC Website: • Live Webcast:
CPRC YouTube:
CPRC Facebook:

Quote to Consider

C. H. Spurgeon: “There is an essential difference between the decease of the godly and the death of the ungodly. Death comes to the ungodly man as a penal infliction, but to the righteous as a summons to his Father’s palace. To the sinner it is an execution, to the saint an undressing from his sins and infirmities. Death to the wicked is the King of terrors. Death to the saint is the end of terrors, the commencement of glory.”

Announcements (subject to God’s will)

Since it is the first Lord’s Day of the month, we have offerings for both the general fund and the building fund this morning.

Marco Barone’s membership has been transferred from the Limerick Reformed Fellowship. Marco has been staying with Rev. McGeown for the last three years and first visited the CPRC eight years ago. We welcome Marco into the CPRC.

Brian Crossett has been nominated for an additional 3-year term as elder. A vote by male confessing members to approve/disapprove of this will be held today after the evening service.

Catechism begins tomorrow Monday, 7 September.
5:45 PM - Taylor, Josh, Corey, Bradley & Samuel (Beginners OT, book 2)
6:30 PM - Alex & Nathan (Seniors OT)
7:15 PM - Jacob, Joseph & Chris (Heidelberg Catechism, book 1)

The Tuesday Bible study will meet at 11 AM for further study on Jacob in Hosea 12.

The Belgic Confession Class begins the season this week Wednesday at 7:45 PM to study Article 26 on “Christ’s Intercession.”

The Reformed Witness Hour broadcast next Lord’s Day (Gospel 846MW at 8:30 AM) by Rev. Haak is entitled “The Creation” (Genesis 1:1).

Timothy Spence appeared before the Council to make confession of his faith. Timothy showed a good knowledge of and love for the doctrines taught in the CPRC. Unless there are any lawful written objections, Timothy’s baptism will be held next Sunday evening, 13 September.

There will be tea after the evening service next Sunday, 13 September. It is Group B’s turn on the tea rota.

The next Council meeting will be Monday, 14 September at 8 PM.

Upcoming Reformation Lectures:
S. Wales - “Jan Hus: His Martyrdom and Ecclesiology,” Thursday, 8 October.
Ballymena - “Jan Hus: His Martyrdom and Ecclesiology,” Friday, 30 October.

Offerings: General Fund: £818.02.

Website Additions: 1 Indonesian translation and the Nicene Creed in 3 more languages. We now have 126 languages on our website.

PRC News: Rev. Haak is considering the call to the Philippines.

Encouraging Quotes

“Thanks so much for the books I ordered and the other material that you included. I have read through Saved By Grace and I really like it—very clear and consistent, a great resource. In fact, could you please send me two more copies.” - Avon, England

“Thank you for all of the edifying sermons and the work put into them. I appreciate them very much. I was greatly encouraged and strengthened by ‘The Prophetic Church and the New Creation’ sermon recently.” - Texas, USA

“In researching to improve my knowledge of the truth, I have found the website of the CPRC. I have read some articles and your mission, which really has pleased me a lot. You give to visitors the possibility to receive a monthly periodical through e-mail, which I would like ... I have experience translating from English to Portuguese. If I could help you in this field, it would be a pleasure.” - Brazil

“I have almost finished reading Behold He Cometh, a wonderful and helpful read. Most illuminating and relevant. I had puzzled long about Rev. 17:9-13, but HH [i.e., Herman Hoeksema] has clarified much for me. I find myself in total agreement with him in his methods and interpretation of the prophetic and apocalyptic literature of the Bible in the context of all of Holy Scripture. He is obviously familiar with the interpretive methods of others and shows up their interpretations for what they are. Since this book was first written, events in the church and the world confirm Hoeksema’s understanding.” - Wolverhampton, England

“I am writing to ask for information on the Covenant Reformed News, the Reformed Witness Hour Broadcast, the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal, and pamphlets, audio cassettes or CDs dealing with the King James Version-Modern Version controversy ... Your advice and help with these matters would be greatly appreciated and very much welcomed at this time.” - Belfast

“Please find the enclosed donation to help with your ministry. We continue to be truly blessed by your website and books. May God bless you.” - Scotland

“Greetings and thank you for your messages on your website. I was really confused on the topic of the Holy Spirit, and the Reformed church doctrine. I am now happy looking at your teachings on the Holy Spirit and I really enjoyed it a lot. We have many problems in the area of sound doctrine in Ethiopia.” - Ethiopia

“I have been blessed and have enjoyed your publications ... I have come out of the charismatic/pentecostal movement, disgusted and dismayed with the false healing, fake tongues and other strange teachings. I am nearly 70 and feel the need for teaching and a way that is safe, sound and secure ... May the Lord bless you in your ministry and witness.” - Liverpool, England

“I have been meaning to write to you for months about one of your debates posted on YouTube. The one I’m speaking of is the Calvinism vs. Arminianism debate with Rev. Ramsey. It was a blessing to me. I enjoyed it and benefitted from it greatly. I watched it at least twice and also took notes.” - Washington, USA

“I got Prof. Engelsma’s Federal Vision last month. What a great blessing it was to me! How dealing with heresy, brings out in crystal fashion the Bible truth—in this case of the wonderful unconditional covenant the Lord has made with His elect people and their children. I then read Prof. Hanko’s We and Our Children, Jay Adam’s The Meaning and Mode of Baptism, Michael Kimmitt’s Baptism and then read again The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers! They have all been a great blessing and I think I’ve finally really understood.” - Yorkshire, England

“Enclosed is an order for DVDs. I look forward now to this crop of good stuff. Blessings on the church in N. Ireland and [the LRF in] the Republic and strength from God to the pastors.” - Scotland

“Very much enjoy the sermon videos. Learning and growing.” - Tennessee, USA

“I have been listening to a Belgic Confession lecture on whether man is two or three parts, which was eye opening to me. Praise God for His Word indeed. Lord willing, I will get to listen to ‘Excuses of Our Flesh’ on Lord’s Day 4 by Rev. McGeown later today ... I am following some Bible studies on Romans 9. As you very well know this is a chapter I hold dear, having listened to Rev. Stewart’s exposition of it ... I pray for you all.” - Uganda

“Thanks for the excellent materials you sent me. Thank you so much.” - Co. Antrim

“Many thanks for sending the Three Forms of Unity booklets, which I shall pass on. Thanks also for the various other items of literature, booklets and tapes, which I shall peruse over the next few weeks. Thank you once again for your assistance and I trust and pray the Lord will continue to bless you in your work for Him.” - Worcestershire, England